China Pallet Rack and Warehouse Mezzanine Manufacturer

How Much Does Pallet Racking Cost?

How much does pallet racking cost

Pallet racking is a storage system that can be single or multi-leveled. This system is used for high-density stacking of single products or palletized quantities. Today we will discuss everything you need to know about the pallet racking cost. In this article, we will explain:

This article will be a complete guideline about pallet racking costs. This article will be especially beneficial for the following group of people: 

vna pallet racking
VNA pallet racking

How the Price of the Pallet racks is Determined?

The prices of pallet racks depend on many factors. Here we will discuss the three crucial factors on which the price is dependent. These 3 factors are as follows:

How Material Decides the Prices of Pallet Racks

There are generally two types of metals that are used to construct pallet rack components. They are roll-formed steel or structural steel. Costs for structural steel are typically 5% to 10% higher compared to roll-formed steel.

Raw materials account for a sizable portion of pallet racking cost. So, if the cost of steel increases, the cost of pallet racks will also increase.

How Many Pallet racks You Are Buying At A Time?

While buying pallet racks, another important factor is how many pallet racks you are buying at a time. The price of a double deep pallet rack is $55 each. So, if a person is buying 20 pallet racks, the price of 20 pallet racks is,  (20*55) = $1100. 

The sellers generally give bulk quantity buyers a huge discount in pricing. So, if you are buying 150 pallet racks for your warehouse, obviously you can expect a huge discount.

If the seller gives you a discount of $3 per pallet, then the per pallet rack cost becomes $52.

So, here in this equation, you are saving $3 per pallet rack.

So, in 150 pallet racks, you are saving a total of (150*3) = $450.

Similarly, someone who is buying 500 pallet racks, can expect more discount on their price.

Which Country You Are Buying These Pallet Racks From?

Another important thing that determines pallet racking cost is where it is made. A pallet rack, made in China, will be cheaper compared to a pallet made in Europe or USA. The reason for this is as follows:

Businesses can make the best profit if they import pallet racks from China. This will help them to cut down the cost of business and enhance the profit margin.

teardrop pallet rack

Besides these 3 factors, other factors play a minor role in the cost of pallet racking. Likewise, if the oil cost increases, the shipment cost will also increase. This will increase the transportation cost of pallet racks and overall increase the pallet racking cost.

Different Types of Pallet Racks, their Advantages, Cost, and Usability

Making the appropriate pallet racking system selection can have a significant impact on your company. A pallet rack that is well designed can enable your organization in adapting to shifting inventory requirements.

Several types of pallet racks are created for a variety of application scenarios. Choosing the right kind of pallet rack for your organization might be challenging. Follow this section to find out different types of pallet racks, when to use them, and their prices.

Pallet Racking Types

The various types of pallet racks, their useability, and prices are as follows:

Selective Pallet Racking System

The most popular type of pallet racking is selective pallet racking. This system makes the optimum use of storage. It allows instant access to any load stored with any kind of forklift. Roll-formed steel or structural steel can be used to build this pallet rack system.

selective pallet rack

Some advantages of the selective pallet racking system are as follows:

The use of a selective pallet racking system is as follows:

Selective Pallet Racking Cost: The cost of selective pallet racks is $46-60 each.

Push Back Pallet Racking System

This pallet storage system enables pallets to be gathered 2 to 6 deep on each side of an aisle. It provides more storage density compared to all other types of racking. Each level can be accessed independently in this method.

push back pallet racking

Some advantages of the push back racking system are as follows:

The use of the pushback racking system is as follows:

Push back Pallet Racking Cost: Pushback Pallet Racking cost is $275-$279 each.

Drive-In Pallet Racking System

When compared to other forms of racking, the drive-in racking system utilizes significantly less aisle area. The use of significantly fewer aisle areas makes it an excellent choice for cooler applications. This system is often seen in the following industries:

drive in pallet rack system

There are generally two types of drive-in racking. They are as follows:

Single Entry Drive-In Racking: In this type of drive-in racking, only one side has forklift access.

Double Entry Drive-In Racking: In double entry drive-in racking, both sides of the racks have forklift access. This system was designed to give entry to pallets from both the back and front sides of the rack. A huge beam in the structure’s center connects all of the racks.

Some advantages of the drive-in racking system are as follows:

The use of the drive-in racking system is as follows:

Drive-In Racking System Cost: Drive-in Pallet Racking cost is $165-$180 for each pallet.

Gravity Flow Pallet Racking System

On each level, this system employs slightly sloped roller beds to facilitate the movement of unit loads. Here, the Pallets are loaded onto gravity roll rails and pulled by gravity from the entrance to the exit.

The gravity flow pallet storage system uses First-in and First-out method which is also known as FIFO. In the FIFO System, the loading area is located on the opposite side of the unloading area. And the space between them is used to transport the products.

warehouse gravity flow pallet rack

Some advantages of the gravity flow pallet racking system are as follows:

The use of the gravity flow pallet racking system is as follows:

Gravity Flow Pallet Racking System Cost: The gravity flow pallet racking system cost $400- $420 for each pallet.

Double Deep Pallet Racking System

Forklifts are used to mechanically store unit loads in double deep racking systems. These forklifts travel down the parallel aisles that run alongside the racking systems. In this system, all of the stored pallets are not directly accessible to the operator.

Pallets are kept in this method at two different depths, increasing storage density. Getting to the pallets is still accessible and quick in a double-deep racking system. Double deep pallet racking needs to be used with forklifts that are specially designed for this kind of system.

This is a Last in, First Out also known as LIFO System. In this system, the pallet that was last placed on the rack is also the first pallet to leave.  

double deep pallet rack

Some advantages of the double deep pallet racking system are as follows:

The use of the double deep pallet racking system is as follows:

Double Deep Pallet Racking System Cost: Double deep pallet racking system cost $55- $65 for each pallet.

Mobile Pallet Racking System

This system’s distinctive features and versatile design make it simpler to install and run than you may have imagined. It is frequently used in cold stores.

A computer or remote control is used to run the mobile racking system. In this system, only one aisle opens at a time. By using a forklift or hand picking, any product is easily accessible in mobile racking.

mobile pallet racking system

Some advantages of the Mobile Racking system are as follows:

The use of the mobile racking system is as follows:

Mobile Racking System Cost: Mobile racking system cost $700-$800 for each pallet.

Narrow Aisle Pallet Racking System

By the adaptation of this system, it is possible to improve the warehouse’s capacity without increasing the area. The system’s compaction is mostly caused by shortening the work aisles.

The work aisles can be shortened in width by as much as 1.5 meters. Shortening the aisles can save the space of the warehouse up to 40%. This method requires certain specialized handling equipment for warehouse operations such as:

narrow aisle pallet racking

Some advantages of the narrow aisle racking system are as follows:

The use of the narrow aisle racking system is as follows:

Narrow Aisle Racking System Cost: The cost of a Narrow aisle racking system is $50-$60 for each pallet.

Radio Shuttle Pallet Racking System

In the radio shuttle pallet racking system, the Pallets are moved through the racking using a remote control. The forklift trucks are used to load and unload the shuttles from the racks in this method. A lane may hold 10 to 40 pallets in a shuttle racking system. 

radio shuttle pallet storage rack

Some advantages of the radio shuttle pallet racking system are as follows:

The use of the radio shuttle pallet racking system is as follows:

Radio Shuttle Pallet Racking System Cost: Radio Shuttle Pallet racking system cost $185-$250 for each pallet.

Automated Storage and Retrieval System

Automated Storage and Retrieval System is also known as the ‘’ASRS” system. This system consists of several computer-controlled devices. These devices automatically insert and remove loads from preset storage areas.

After the mobile racking system, this system is the second most expensive racking system. So, it is better not to use this system when you have a tight budget.


Some advantages of The Automated Storage and Retrieval System are as follows:

The use of the Automated Storage and Retrieval System is as follows:

Automated Storage and Retrieval System Cost: Automated Storage and Retrieval System cost $350-$400 for each pallet.

How Can You Buy Cheap Pallet Racks For The Warehouse?

Warehouse managers are tasked with increasing efficiency and reducing expenses. Buying expensive pallet racks increases the overall cost of the business. So, to reduce business expenses, it is important to buy cheap pallet racks.

Besides cutting down the cost of the business, the efficiency of the racks you buy is also essential. Here we will discuss some techniques that you can use to buy cheap pallet racks for your warehouse:

1. Buying from China

Buying pallet racks from China is a smart and wise decision. The reason for this is the pallet racks cost in China is comparatively much lower. Also, the quality of pallet racks manufactured in China is very good.

You can consider companies like Mracking, Novaracking, Jracking, Kingmore, etc to buy pallet racks from. These companies have more than a decade of experience in the pallet racking industry.

2. Buying Used Pallet Racks

Buying used pallet racks is also a great strategy to buy cheap pallet racks. However, not all the time used pallet racks are available. Also, many times the condition of the used pallet racks is not good at all.

While buying used pallet racks can save you a lot of money, this strategy also involves risks. Our advice to you will be only to buy cheap pallet racks if you can ensure it is in good condition.

Because if you buy cheap pallet racks in bad condition, it will ultimately be a waste of your money.

3. Buying from Sale

In the sale, companies sell their products at a discounted price. Different companies offer sales at various times of the year. Buying pallet racks from the sale can save a lot of money of yours. However, sales are not available at all times of the year.

For instance, if you need pallet racks today, the sale may start a month later. So, you may not immediately get the pallet racks if you are considering buying from the sales.

Another thing about sales is that not all companies offer a sale. So, buying pallet racks from sales limits your choice of companies.

Overall, for cheap pallet racks, buying from China is the best option among the 3 options.

This is everything you need to know about the pallet racking cost. The pallet racking system is an excellent system that increases productivity and makes excellent use of the space. Let us know if you have any questions related to the pallet racking cost.

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